24. Adria Rally

Przedstawiamy otrzymane od organizatora dodatkowe informacje:


Dear friends,

on arrival at the 24th Adria Camping Rally in Šibenik, you can stop from 

June 17 - 23 and take advantage of the benefits for Rally participants 

at the following destinations:


- 21.00 € (+tax) in CAMP TIHA Šilo (Island Krk) for two people and a 

camper in the period 6/17 - 6/23  - 



- 23.00 € (+tax) in PLITVICE HOLIDAY RESORT for two people and a camper 

in the period 6/17 - 6/23  - http://https://www.plitvice.com/


- 15 % discount on prices at CAMPING PLITVICE in the term 6/17- 6/23. 

All you need is to make a reservation BOOK NOW (REZERVIRAJ)  and at 

ACCES CODE you enter: AR15 - https://campingplitvice.hr/


- 25% discount on the price of the plot and persons at CAMP VITA  in the 

term 6/17-6/23 with the use of the swimming pool complex - 



We accept applications until 5/30. So far, more than 140 crews and more 

than 350 participants have registered.



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- Archiwum